Rectified sinus cut

The rectified cut sinus signal is the classic output signal of a DC power supply without filtering. It’s interesting to see how much noise in form of harmonics this signal contains

Sinus rect

Starting with the ak components:

Sinus rect


Sinus rect

Sinus rect Sinus rect

Sinus rect Sinus rect

Sinus rect Sinus rectSinus rectSinus rect

Sinus rect

Sinus rect

If k is even

Sinus rect

If k is odd

Sinus rect

Now the bk components:

Sinus rect
Sinus rect


Sinus rect

Sinus rect
Sinus rect

Sinus rect Sinus rect

Sinus rect Sinus rectSinus rectSinus rect


Sinus rect

Sinus rect

If k is even

Sinus rect

If k is 0dd

Sinus rect

Put into code with ak as the real parts and bk as the imaginary parts:

private void SinusRectifiedCut(double peak, double alpha)
int j;
c[0].real = peak / Math.PI * (1.0 + Math.Cos(alpha));
for (j = 1; j < 500; j++)
if (j % 2 != 0)
c[j].real = 0;
c[j].imag = 0;
c[j].real = peak / Math.PI * (Math.Cos(alpha * (1.0 - j)) / (1.0 - j) + Math.Cos(alpha * (1.0 + j)) / (1.0 + j) + 2.0 / (1.0 - j * j));
c[j].imag = peak / Math.PI * (Math.Sin(alpha * (1.0 + j)) / (1.0 + j) - Math.Sin(alpha * (1.0 - j)) / (1.0 - j));

And the spectrum for α = 40° and the first 30 harmonics:

Sinus rect

The blue bars are the real elements and red the imaginary parts.

And if all the harmonics are put together, we get the origin signal shape.

Sinus rect

The brightest line is the base frequency. The next darker is the base frequency plus the first harmonic, then comes the same plus the next harmonic … and so on. The more harmonics are included, the closer the shape approximates the origin shape :-)

C# Demo Project Fourier signals

  • Java Demo Project Fourier signals