To transpose a matrix means to mirror it at its main diagonal. That switches the number of rows and the number of columns. The main diagonal of a Matrix is the line across the elements c11, c22, c33,..,cnn.
Now there is one calculation rule for transposed Matrixes which is essential for the derivation of the method of the least squares in approximation. That’s why I want to introduce it:
The associative law for transposed Matrixes says the product of 2 transposed Matrixes is equal to the transposed product of the not transposed Matrixes in switched order.
Now we multiply the two switched Matrixes
This we transpose
and can see
And from this we also get
The same is valid for two N*N Matrixes.
The multiplication of a Matrix with its transposed is a special case too. The result of this multiplication is a symmetric Matrix
The resulting Matrix is Symmetrical to the main diagonal.
The same is valid for a N * N Matrix.