I want to share some (in my opinion) interesting algorithms I’m working with and try to explain the Math behind them as detailed as possible as there are many explanations around in the net that one cannot understand because they are unclear or missing parts (my experience :-))

Some general maths

Matrix calculations

Roots of polynomials



Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • MachineLearning and AI
  • PCA, Gradient descend, BackPropagation, max. log likelihood, Sequential minimal optimization

Digital signal processing


Integration and differentiation
  • Differential calculus
  • Numerical integration by Simpson, Romberg, Newton-Cotes, Legendre and Chebychev polynomials and Differential equation by Runge Kutta and Adams methods and Runge Kutta with addaptive step size.

Digital image processing

Some Java script
  • Online solver
  • I had to practice some Java script and so some online solvers were born :-)

Just playing around :-)